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actually i am 11 and know that the answer is yes you could just try it on a bad spot on your floor and see the results well this is Madelyn peace out

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Q: Should vinegar be used to clean laminate floors?
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Can you steam clean bambo floors?

highly NOT recommended to steam clean any wood or laminate floors

What is the best way to clean laminate floors?

You shouldn't use wet products on laminate floors. A dry mop such as a swiffer duster will do the trick. There are products on the market that are excellent for cleaning laminated floors. They contain a cleaner that leaves the floors clean and like new.

Is it OK to clean natural stone floors with steam cleaner?

You can't clean wood floors with a steam cleaner, but natural stone floors should not be harmed by this method. Vinegar and water is the best way to clean stone floors.

What is Bruce laminate floor used for?

Bruce laminate floors are used for covering floors in bathrooms, kitchens and concrete areas. Flooring is extremely durable. Kits are available to clean and keep its luster.

Can you use vinegar and water instead of methylated and water to clean laminate floors?

Yes, use white distilled vinegar and three parts warm water, get your mop as dry as you can, and then clean whats needed. I would only mop once or twice a week. for everyday cleaning, use a vacuum with a bristle head.

What is the best way to clean floors?

You can put vinegar and water together to clean bamboo floors. Commercial cleaners do not work well. Keep your floors swept and do not scratch with sharp objects.

Ratio of vinegar and water to clean floors?

1 part vinegar to 2 parts water.

What is the best way to clean bamboo floors?

You can put vinegar and water together to clean bamboo floors. Commercial cleaners do not work well. Keep your floors swept and do not scratch with sharp objects.

Will mop and glow ruin wood laminate flooring?

Yes. Those products are wretched and will leave a residue that will have to be removed by additional products. Stay away from them. Vinegar, water and a touch of lemon will clean your floors wonderfully and keep them shiny and beautiful.

What do I use to clean heavy duty stains on my laminate hardwood floors?

Depending on how deep the stains on your hardwood floors. If you have a stain that is recent, you may be able to clean the floor with hardwood strip cleaner, if not then you may have to restrip the floor.

How do you clean laminate wood floors?

Laminate floors are made with recyled hardwood, so you should treat them like hardwood floors. Any regular hardwood cleaning product should work. In particular, Bona is a great product, but there are many others. For both laminate and hardwood, I would avoid products with oil or wax in the name or that promote a shiny finish. These products have wax which will wear down the finish and damage your floors in the long run.

Cleaning hard wood floors?

Try vinegar to clean hard wood floors. Vinegar has this substance that can remove stains, bacteria, and most especially bad odor. At first, you will smell the vinegar in the floor. But after an hour, all odor will be removed.