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Mist it in the air and let it fall as a mist onto the Laminate, then use a swiffer style pad on it and you will have pretty good results. DO NOT POUR it on! MIST from a sprayer and let it fall

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Q: Can you use ammonia on laminate floors to clean?
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How much ammonia do you use to clean hardwood floors?

Never use ammonia on hardwood floors. Use diluted vinegar or to remove wax buildup apply mineral spirits with a cloth.

What do I use to clean heavy duty stains on my laminate hardwood floors?

Depending on how deep the stains on your hardwood floors. If you have a stain that is recent, you may be able to clean the floor with hardwood strip cleaner, if not then you may have to restrip the floor.

Can you use vinegar and water instead of methylated and water to clean laminate floors?

Yes, use white distilled vinegar and three parts warm water, get your mop as dry as you can, and then clean whats needed. I would only mop once or twice a week. for everyday cleaning, use a vacuum with a bristle head.

Is it ok to use water and vinegar on laminate floors?

NO. keep water & moisture away from your floor. Your laminate doesn't need water. There are a lot of new & old Laminate floors out there and many differing claims as to how water resistant they are over time. Either way, the surface of laminate is nothing more nor less that your mothers Formica counter-top, on a fiberboard substrate. A Swiffer is the best thing going for laminate because there is almost no water to make your life complicated. Our other home remedy has been a bottle of Windex sprayed at shoulder level and let it settle sparsly on the floor, then dry mop it up. There is no need nor reason to ever put flowing water or use any mop with enough water to drip on a laminate floor. Its plastic & wipes clean with a moist cloth.

How much ammonia do you use to clean with?

enough to make you pass out so a guy can rape you

Related questions

What is the best way to clean laminate floors?

You shouldn't use wet products on laminate floors. A dry mop such as a swiffer duster will do the trick. There are products on the market that are excellent for cleaning laminated floors. They contain a cleaner that leaves the floors clean and like new.

How much ammonia do you use to clean hardwood floors?

Never use ammonia on hardwood floors. Use diluted vinegar or to remove wax buildup apply mineral spirits with a cloth.

Can you use ammonia on laminate flooring?

you can if you use to much!

What do I use to clean heavy duty stains on my laminate hardwood floors?

Depending on how deep the stains on your hardwood floors. If you have a stain that is recent, you may be able to clean the floor with hardwood strip cleaner, if not then you may have to restrip the floor.

Can you use a steam mop on laminate floors?

no :L

How do you remove scuffs from laminate floors?

Use a Tardis :P

Removing polyurethane on laminate floors?

You would use a vacume

What product will put a shine on a laminate floor?

You shouldn't use any wet products on laminate floors.

Can you use steam cleaner on laminate floors?

no, never. Steam cleaners and steam mops leave to much water on a laminate floor.

What are the best methods for cleaning laminate floors?

contact the manufacturer is your best bet as every product is made differently, usually you can clean them with your usual floor cleaners but avoid anything really harsh. also if you do use soap and water make sure yu rinse it off after otherwise you will end up with a gross build up as the soap will have nowhere to go.

Can you use a steam mop to clean laminate floors?

I did, just once, and the floor now crackles all over whenever you step on it. No, never! - Edit - The warranty on most laminate floors will be voided if you use a steam mop on them. That being said, it really depends on the quality. Some very high quality laminate floors, like that used in commercial building can withstand it, but most low end laminate floors in residential building are very susceptible to water damage and should be treated carefully. If you insist on using a steam mop on laminate, only use one that allows you to trigger the steam on and off with a button at the handle and only use a short burst every once on a while to dampen the floor cloth. You are better off not using one at all though.

how to clean laminate wood floors?

If a wood floor has been properly varnished, it will be waterproof, and you can wash it as you would any other floor. If it is just a matter of removing dust, you could use a Swiffer.