YEs girls can call guys anytime. Why not? Guys would appreciate if girls give an effort to contact them. Just being fair also, we are in a modern world now.. treat equally.. ryt?
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Answer:this is the new age whores way of thinking, she realizes, that if i call and open my legs and let um in my front door, then i have power, control, be the cool kid, that did everyguy in, they are useful from time to time, they are the same as a toaster, or blender. not real people.
You can call them "dude" because that for girls and guys!
no, well most guys dont, normally cos it wats guys calls girls but personally i never call someone baby or babe
You would call them by their names and tell them if they can't show some respect, you'll have to find new friends.
Bisexual. The same word applies to a girl that likes both girls and guys.
It all depends on the girl some girls like it some don´t.
You should definitely be nice. The girls worth dating respond to guys that are nice to them. The girls that like cocky guys are usually the girls that no one should want to date anyway.
What girls don't.
there are more badass girls playing call of duty than there are guys in Canada!
guys can't understand us so they just don't
Guys do not know what beautiful is. But god does he thinks that girls are beautiful in anyway shape or form...
Yes, they do and girls should know that.