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I think that it doesn't really matter. if you are comfortable with asking, then no one will judge you.

Besides on the night it wont matter who asks because you will be having a great time anyways and all the asking business would be forgotten about.

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Q: Should a girl or a guy ask each other to Prom?
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The guy who was dating Simone and was cheating on that other girl. And that other girl was the prom queen

How does a girl feel about prom?

I am not a girl. However I believe that girls feel that a Prom should be very special, perfect, fun, and romantic.

What should i do if your prom date is dating another guy?

Question yourself whether you should still want to go to the prom with this girl.

What EXACTLY should you say when asking a girl to prom?

Hey guess what, I got good new for you. You can go to the prom with me!

How do i ask a girl that i like and i know she likes me to prom?

Just come out in ask her im 11 so ive never been to a prom but ive been to dances just come out in ask her if you guys both like each other

Who asks for prom?

Anyone! Heck, if a girl wants to ask a guy to prom GO FOR IT! If a guy wants to ask a girl to prom DO IT!

Where could a girl with EE shoe-size purchase prom pumps?

There are several online prom shops. They have greater variety and should have sizes for everyone.

How do you ask a senior girl to the prom if im a freshman she doesnt know?

If she doesn't know you, then that will be slightly awkward and weird. If she was already asked to prom then that would be kinda awkward telling you that And why would you take a senior girl to prom when you're a freshman and she doesn't know you? I think you should just wait 3 more years and then go to prom when your a SENIOR with a SENIOR girl

Should i go to prom with a guy that's in love with another girl now?

I do not find anything wrong with this. I would let the guy ask you though unless you already asked him. The prom is about memories or highschool, that's the last time alot of you are going to see each other again. If he really "loved" the girl he would end up asking her or telling you no. It could be that he was rejected by her already when he asked.

If a guy and a girl like each other should the girl ask him out?

She could, yes.

Who did you go to prom with?

Myself personally? I went with a friend, as my girlfriend had to leave the day before for her grandma's funeral. The prom girl I ended up taking...we only knew each other 1st semester of my senior year. (she asked my for a pen for an essay, lol)

Should you have a one on one prom with the girl you love if you cannot take her to your real prom because you are going with a friend of yours but you really want to go with the girl you love?

If your friend is your friend they should let you go to the prom with the one you love. Being a good friend means always being there when your needed and being ok when your not needed.