I am not a girl. However I believe that girls feel that a Prom should be very special, perfect, fun, and romantic.
Anyone! Heck, if a girl wants to ask a guy to prom GO FOR IT! If a guy wants to ask a girl to prom DO IT!
The guy who was dating Simone and was cheating on that other girl. And that other girl was the prom queen
go to her and ask her nicely that would she like to go to prom with you?
he went with a girl name DeAna to to prom and she has his baby.
prom theme by fountains of Wayne
im not a girl but that sounds like it would work pretty well.
Yes she can
Hey guess what, I got good new for you. You can go to the prom with me!
i think u say prom is coming up and if your not going with anyone will u go with me
Yes, and the girl's receive the "bow tie" from the guy after prom in return.