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11mo ago

No, it is not appropriate for 12-year-old girls to be only in underwear around boys or anyone else. It is important to respect individual privacy and boundaries, and being in underwear in front of others can make someone feel uncomfortable or exposed. It is important to practice modesty and respect others' comfort levels in such situations.

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Q: Should 12 year old girls be only in underwear around boys?
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What does a girl's underwear look like?

Girls and boys underwear are very similar, except that girls' underwear does not contain the open seams that allow boys to urinate without lowering their briefs. Girls' underwear is often lighter, thinner, and smoother.

What is the difference between girls underwear and boys underwear?

Boys' underwear has space for the genitals. Girls' underwear does not.With boxers, the difference isn't so important, because there is plenty of room.Also, most mens underwear have flys so they can take their penis out easier when going to the bathroom

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Not all teenage boys cross dress. But, curiosity is the usual reason.

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You should make a list of the pros and cons, plus why you want to wear girls underwear. As a 12 year old boy, you will need to make your mom understand why you do not want to wear boys underwear.

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No, because boys have small penis's

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Tighty whities are typically considered a style of underwear for boys and men. However, anyone can wear tighty whities regardless of gender if they find them comfortable. Gender does not determine what type of underwear someone can wear.

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What are some reasons that boys wear boxers?

Boys wear boxers because that's their underwear. Just like girls wear knickers, boys wear boxers.

What age should girls start liking guys?

Well it depends really. Girls can start like boys at any age, mostly girls start to like boys around 8+.

Why do girls change around other girls with 2 boys around?

Many girls feel self conscious around boys and try to impress them. others try to be as discreet as possible around boys. Trust me I was like that once.

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No, girls should go to a mixed school (boys and girls) because it will be easier for girls to talk to boys when they are older.

What type of underwear do girls think boys look sexy in?

Something that fits snugly, is not baggy and is not too revealing.