You have to go to settings then if u scroll down itll say reset if not u have to go to general then scroll down and itll say reset
or you could hold down the menu button and the power button until the apple logo comes up then wait till the normal menu comes up :)
In order to reset your ipod touch you need to plug upi your ipod touch to a computer with itunes. Once you go to itunes there will be a button you can press on the ipod touch info page called "REstore your ipod touch" Click it and then you're ipod touch will be reset to factory settings.
Go to your settings and there should be a reset tab to go to and you can reset it that way.
If you keep your fingers on the home button and the lock button at the same time for 10 seconds, your iPod shout reset.
No, there is no "administrator logon" for a Touch. The reset is in Settings.
It will clear everything your ipod knows about its networks
Its already there. If not, go to the app store, if not that. Reset your ipod Slide it and it will jailbreak. :D If it freezes reset iPod and retry.
Reset your iPod / download a new version of iTunes
Plug you ipod touch into the computer and then go to itunes. When ur ipod name and folder appears on itunes, click on it and rebot or reset devce. It works.
It does, you just have to log in and everything should be saved.
you might want to reset your ipod to do that or hook it up to your computer