No, updating the iPod Touch software does not clear it. Every bit of information stays on there.
Settings>Safari>Clear History
you can restore the whole ipod
The iPod touch 32gb is one of the latest in the iPod range. If you are a fan of the whole Apple and iPod range then there are some varieties to choose from, including an iPod touch 64gb.
you cant stupid
It will clear everything your ipod knows about its networks
You have to go on the computer the go on itunes the go on ipod touch or whatever its named but it will have a picture of a ipod by it then go on music and unchecked the music then sync
No 2.2 is the software 2nd generation is a whole nother ipod touch version which is slimmer and has an internal speaker not like the 1st gen.
You can purchase a clear silicone case for the iPod touch 4th gen at,,,, and I would assume many other online sites.
You should connect the iPod to the computer and open up iTunes and see what iTunes has to say about the iPod.
no it can' can be hacked but that's a whole different story
yes there is, it has a camera & a whole lot more