Rifle primers are usually made of harder metal, and may not fire from the lighter strike of a handgun firing pin. More importantly, the height of a rifle primer is usually greater than a pistol primer- you may end up with a "high" primer that can bind the action, OR cause a premature firing. In general, not a good idea. There has been a primer shortage due to panic buying, but the shelves are getting restocked. You should see pistol primers again pretty soon.
you would need the large pistol primers.............
Last large pistol primers I purchased for reloading were about $4.00 per hundred.
Reloading press die sets and shell holders case lube pad and case lube case neck lube and brushes case trimmer powder measure powder scale powder trickler case tumbler case trimmer reloading data manuals caliper cartridge specific primers (small pistol, large pistol, magnum pistol, small rifle, large rifle, magnum rifle) brass (cases) cartridge specific propellent (gunpowder) bullets reloading blocks funnels
No- they do not interchange- difference in height.
Yes, you need to use large rifle magnum primers.
small pistol large pistol magnum pistol small rifle large rifle magnum rifle .50 BMG These are the primers used in all pistol and rifle ammo that is commercially available. Larger, artillery type, ammunition uses much different primers, obviously.
Yes, they are. Small Rifle can be used for Small Pistol, but not the other way around. Large Rifle can be used for Large Pistol, but not the other way around.
Small Pistol Primers are used for small caliber pistols, any of the various 9mm calibers such as the .380, the 9mm luger, the 9x18 makarov, the .38 special, the .32 acp, the .25acp etc. and even some larger calibers such as the .40 S&W. Large caliber pistol primers are used in .45 caliber and larger. Still other calibers, such as the .357 Magnum for instance, require primers known as magnum primers.
No. They are the wrong diameter, 45 you need large pistol/large rifle sized primer diameter. Also rifle primers are thicker and require a heavier primer strike that some pistols can not deliver. My Springfield XDM only intermittently can set off a small rifle primer when used to load 9mm.
If you are asking about the Remington 6.5 rem.mag round,then this cartridge takes large rifle/or large rifle magnum primers.The .223 Remington cartridge takes the small rifle primer.Both of these center fire primers differ in size and cannot be interchanged.The .223 Rem cartridge requires small rifle primers.
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNSAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
30/06 among many others