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No- they do not interchange- difference in height.

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Q: Is there reload data concerning using large pistol primers instead of large rifle primers?
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How do you reload the pistol in Silent Hill Downpour PS3?

You hit the R button.

How do you reload a cz7.52 9mm pistol?

CZ does not make a gun by this name. Find a reputable gun shop and have them check what type of pistol you actually have.

How do you flip the gun on the gun game?

you have to get the USP pistol and empty the clip and when you reload it will "flip" the gun

Should you buy an extra bb pistol clip?

I always do. It makes it easier to make a quick reload.

What ia a gun recoil spring?

Semi-automatic firearms, such as the 1911A1 pistol use a spring to help absorb some of the recoil energy, and use the energy to reload the pistol.

Can I reload 243 using large rifle primers for magnum loads?

The .243 IS a large rifle primer cartridge. However, you should stay with standard primers unless a trusted source of information lists a magnum primer for a given load. When you change ANY one component- powder, bullet, primer- go to the starting load and work up. Magnum primers can give unexpected pressure levels with some powders.

Is there reload on sift heads 1?

In the game "Sift Heads 1," there is no explicit reload feature for weapons. The game mechanics do not include a reload function for firearms used by the player character. Instead, players have unlimited ammunition and can continue shooting without needing to reload their weapons.

Why was a sword used during the Revolutionary War?

heres a scenario that will answer your question, but keep in mind the weapons of the time were single shot and then it took alot of time to reload...Your in the wilderness about to take out a single soldier who is patrolling the area so you take aim and fire but you miss with your rifle and the guard spots you and fires at you but also misses so instead you have two choices, take two minutes of your time to reload taking the chance that he might have a pistol in which he could run up and blow your brains out or you could charge at him with your sword,giving him no time to reload or even reach for his pistol and then you drive the end of the sword straight through his abdomenget it?

Is there a problem with the bullet if slide jammed when reload HK Mod 4 pistol .22 LR caliber?

More than likely a problem with the magazine.

Can you reload a flintlock pistol?

Yes you can but it takes a while, you need to pull the flint striker back and the steel slab back into striking range, then put in a new bullet and re-click the hammer back into shooting mode, so it is almost like a mini-sniper rifle as you can't fire it again and again as you will with a semi-automatic pistol but need to reload every time.

Why was the first automatic pistol created?

For the same reason that most things are invented- to be a commercial success, and make money. The semi-auto pistol could be made smaller and lighter than a revolver, hold more ammunition, and reload quicker.

How do you reload in the pea shooting contest on poptropica?

at the top where it shows your ammo is it says reload hit that and it will reload