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Q: Relation between potential difference work done and charge moved?
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The difference between charge and current?

Charge is potential, current is flowing.

What is the relation between energy and charge?

The relationship between energy and charge is potential difference or voltage. Where a volt is defined as existing between two points in an electric field when one joule of energy is required to move a charge of one coulomb between the two points.

Difference in a charge between two electrodes in a cell causes a ----between electrodes?

Potential difference.

Relationship between work and voltage?

Work W=VC where V is voltage and C is charge. WORK is power power= I X V I=CURRENT V=EMF

What is the difference in electrical charge between two regions on a nerve?

potential difference- robbert bashouri

How do you create a potential difference?

Potential difference arises between two conductors when there is a difference in the charge content between them. So, to create it u can take out or pump in charges, which is the job done by a battery.

What is the term for the potential difference in a charge between two points in current path?


What is the term for the potential difference in a charge between two points current path?


What is the term for the potential difference in a charge between two point in a current path?


What is the difference between capacitance and capacity?

Capacitance is quite literally the capacity to hold charge at a given potential difference.

How can you get the largest voltage difference?

There is no such thing as a 'voltage difference'! 'Voltage' means 'potential difference', so what you appear to be asking is "How do you get the largest potential difference difference?'! Potential difference is caused by the separation of charges between two points. The greater the amount of charge separation, the greater the potential difference.

The potential difference supplied by the battery is 4.5 VCalculate the total energy transferred in 300s?

energy transferred = charge x potential difference.