People have turned to drugs for many diffrent reasons.
*dipression-main reason
*The feeling
*Peer pressure then they get hooked
*forced too
*to get away from life
It is difficult to provide an exact number of teens who turn to drugs each year as this can vary by location and population. However, studies estimate that millions of teenagers experiment with drugs each year, with the number increasing for certain substances like alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drugs. Early prevention and education programs are essential to address this issue.
People may take drugs for a variety of reasons, including to escape reality, cope with stress or emotional pain, enhance performance or creativity, socialize with others, or simply out of curiosity. It's important to note that drug use can have serious consequences on physical and mental health.
Yes I do the reason is because first- He punched his producer Next he keep drugs in his tail and snorted it!! Lastly he gave the kids drugs that played on the show And that is why the guy in Barney's suit went to jail
No, individual responsibility for drug use cannot be attributed to an entire racial or ethnic group. Drug issues are complex and influenced by various factors such as socioeconomic conditions, access to resources, and historical injustices. It is important to address drug problems through understanding systemic issues and providing comprehensive support to communities.
There are various reasons why a person might begin using drugs, including curiosity, peer pressure, stress relief, and coping with underlying emotional issues or mental health problems. Additionally, environmental factors, genetics, and a history of trauma or adverse childhood experiences can also play a role in initiating drug use.
They turn to drugs, prescribed by Doctors, to help them recover from illnesses.
drugs help people to cope with pain and aid in healing their bodies
I feel that most young people turn to drugs to hide their feelings or to try and escape something. I also feel that young people might think it is the cool thing to do... for me, it was both.
There are many reasons for people take drugs:-LegalityPrescribed MedicationFitting InDepressionPeer PressureTo Feel GoodAvailabilityGatewayExperimentingSelf Medicating
Because many drugs are highly addictive; many can hook people after one try. The reason for the increase in trying is the relative ease of obtaining and using them.
it's perscribed so that people who just want drugs for no reason don't get them.
People take drugs because they are normally teenagers that are in a gang of mates and they make that person take the drugs by teasing hm/her and the person will do it just to stay cool. Another way people take it is of they have mental problems and don't know what they are doing and get addicted to it. Because some people take this drugs just for fun. Addiction is the main reason why some people take drugs without any medical reason. They usually think that drugs can make their life more easy in such a way that they can escape this world and create their own. Peer pressure, boredom, psychological problems, stress and escapism.
drug is addictive an the more the person take drugs the more the become dependant on it more frequently. people bring drugs to school is usually because they feel they need to use it during school time when their addiction kick in. another possible reason is to sell drugs or promote drug user. the more people use drugs, the more people get addicted to drugs and the more people would buy drugs and that is where greed on money steps in
Some drugs are called "gateways" for the reason that they have the possibility to lead to use of other addictive drugs; for example, some people consider both cigarettes & liquor to be gateways as they both increase the risk of involvement with illegal drugs.
Yes, it can be. People often turn to recreational drugs, tobacco, and alcohol as an attempt to self-medicate stress.
Yes, it can be. People often turn to recreational drugs, tobacco, and alcohol as an attempt to self-medicate stress.
a contraindication is a reason not to use a drug or a certain combination of drugs.