

When do people turn to drugs?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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8y ago

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They turn to drugs, prescribed by Doctors, to help them recover from illnesses.

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Q: When do people turn to drugs?
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Why people turn to drugs?

I feel that most young people turn to drugs to hide their feelings or to try and escape something. I also feel that young people might think it is the cool thing to do... for me, it was both.

Is the use of alcohol drugs and or tobacco often associated with chronic stress?

Yes, it can be. People often turn to recreational drugs, tobacco, and alcohol as an attempt to self-medicate stress.

Is the use of alcohol drugs or tobacco often associated with chronic stress?

Yes, it can be. People often turn to recreational drugs, tobacco, and alcohol as an attempt to self-medicate stress.

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No, using drugs does not turn someone into an emo person. Emo is a subculture or style of music characterized by its emotional lyrical content and fashion. Drug use can affect mood and behavior, but it does not determine a person's identity or cultural affiliation.

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If your urine is green and you are doing illegal drugs, Stop doing the drugs. Your urine will still be green but at least you will be off drugs. But on a lighter note, If you eat a lot of black licorice your urine will turn green.

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Immature people do anything to try to avoid dealing with emotion - this can be sex, drugs, gambling, or violence.

Why do people drink drugs?

people drink drugs when they cant sniff or smoke the drugs so they drink it.

What is bad for using drugs?

It is bad for using drugs because if you do drugs then your kidneys and your liver will turn black and that will hurt he heart and you will eventually have a heartattack.

Reason why people turn to drugs?

People may turn to drugs as a way to cope with emotional pain, trauma, or stress, to escape reality, or to experiment with altered states of consciousness. Factors such as genetics, environment, and mental health can also contribute to drug use.

Are people addicted by drugs?

No, not all people become addicted to drugs. It depends on the type of drugs as well as the type of personality the person has, which makes some people more likely to become addicted than others.

What do most people use drugs for?

Some people use drugs to get high. And others use drugs to cure illnesses.

Why did Charles Manson experiment drugs on people?

He didn't experiment with drugs, he and his people like to use those drugs. So they would consume them as recreational drugs.