i what if it says patent number pending on the 37 16 steel single shot
Fair condition $450 and excellent $1000
a Winchester model 37 steelbilt 16ga can approach a value of up to 200 dollars. I personally own this same shotgun and have therefore researched it to satisfy my own curiosity cheers -kirk
A Winchester Model 37 steelbilt 16 ga. is worth $75- to $100 depending on it's condition, So I've read. I have one and wouldn't sell it for $500.
the value of a Winchester 20 gauge model 1400 and the history? the value of a Winchester 20 gauge model 1400 and the history?
The price of the Winchester shotgun model 1912 in a 12 gauge full choke nickel steel with an average condition is about 600 dollars to about 1200 dollars. This price varies with the current market and the condition of the stock and finish.
Yes the stock on a Winchester Model 12 16 gauge is the same as a 20 gauge. 16 gauge,20 gauge, and 28 gauge are all the same for the Winchester Model 12. Thanks, Tim
Your winchester model 1897 shotgun was made by winchester in 1954.
The price range on this model of Winchester shotgun is between 125-175 dollars,depending on overall condition and a good bore.
Your Winchester model 1897 shotgun will range in price from 150-400 dollars,for a shotgun showing between 10%-70% of its original finish and a decent bore.
The Winchester model 840 was made in Canada until 1980.The value ranges in price from 55-95 dollars.
your Winchester model 12 was made in 1970.