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I am not 100% sure what you mean by scan, but in my situation a pos test (both at home and the hospital) and nothing showing on the internal ultrasound confirmed an early miscarriage.

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Q: Pregnancy test says pregnant scan says no?
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Is it 100 percent sure that a blood test can say your pregnant?

I have tested positive with blood that am pregnant but scan says there no pregnancy. i don't know whether it is some kind of sickness.

You went for your scan and there was no heartbeat but a pregnancy test still says im pregnant is that right?

Yes that is right. Your hormone levels can still be high even after a micarriage.

What if a pregnancy test says your not pregnant and you have all the symptoms of as pregnancy?

Go to your doctor.

No period for one month and pregnancy test says negative?

You are pregnant

Which type of scan use in pregnancy test 3-dimentional or ct scan?

NEVER a CT scan. In fact, if you are pregnant do everything you can to prevent exposure to xrays. 3-dimentional isn't a machine. Some ultrasound machines are capable of giving a 3-dimentional image and ultrasounds are used to check on the progress of the futus during pregnancy, it is not used in a pregnancy test. A pregnancy test is taked with blood or urine.

How do you save a weak positive pregnancy?

Weak positive is only about the test, and not about the pregnancy as such.Basically it says that the test isn't quite sure whether you're pregnant or not. Repeat the test and see what it says the next time.

Can you be pregnant if a pregnancy test says no and the ultra scan says no but feel some what pregnant?

absolutley! you may be taking the test too soon and your HCG (pregnancy hormone) has not risen high enough to register on a test. and an ultrasound (depending on the machines quality/some are better then others) will not detect a pregnancy at an ealry stage either. if you feel pregnant i would wait a week and take another otc test. if it is still neg i would wait another week and test again. if the test is still negative and you still feel pregnant and you have not gotten your period i would go back to your OBGYN and advise him or her of the situation. they should be able to help you. best of luck,prayer is power.

Can you have 12 negative pregnancy tests and still be pregnant?

yes, apart from blood test or scan there is no way to be 100% sure

You take a pregnancy test it says you are not pregnant but you still don't have your period after 3 weeks when your period was due?

Take another pregnancy test, if it says your not pregnant then your period will com don't worry late periods could just be a sign of stress.

Can you still be pregnant if your doctor says yes but a home test says no?

More than likely NO! My cousin was 6 months pregnant and her sister who was not took a pregnancy test to see if she were. The pregnant cousin got a negative result and the sister got a negative result. I would trust my doctor before a home pregnancy test. They do not always work.

Had your period october 18th now you are due this month took a pregnancy test and says pregnant on the digital test?

Congratulations MOMMY!

Is it possible for a home pregnancy test to detect pregnancy before a blood pregnancy test?

no a blood pregnancy test can scan for lower levels of pregnancy hormones then a pregnancy test. a blood test can usually be taken after two weeks ovulatsion. depending on when you ovulated if you know i surgest if you wish to find out if your pregnant before your missed period that you use a pregnancy test whitch can detect the pregnancy hormones 6 days early. it will be best for you to take this test with the first pee in the morning.