yes there are many names for a tattoo artist
You can get a butterfly tattoo at any local tattoo artist shop. This tattoo is the most common tattoo and you will find many examples of the artwork on the wall and in the tattoo artist's portfolio.
When you let a unlicensed tattoo artist tattoo you, you have a greater chance of a botched tattoo, and of becoming infected from improperly handled tattooing equipment
I am a professional tattoo artist and I make up to 40k a year.
You do not need to have any college for tattoo's. All that you need to do is apprentence someone who is a profesional tattoo artist.
Yes, a tattoo artist is an art career.
yes there are many names for a tattoo artist
Tattoo artist
You can get a butterfly tattoo at any local tattoo artist shop. This tattoo is the most common tattoo and you will find many examples of the artwork on the wall and in the tattoo artist's portfolio.
If you want the tattoo finished, then yes. Unless you're willing to travel to where the artist moved to have it finished.
When you let a unlicensed tattoo artist tattoo you, you have a greater chance of a botched tattoo, and of becoming infected from improperly handled tattooing equipment
It seems highly unlikely that anyone would have a tattoo of this as its a clash of cultures and is also very spesific. If you wanted this as a tattoo you should go and confer with the tattoo artist and give him your ideas and suggestions. Im sure they would be able to sketch up something that meets your demands =].
Apprentice to a current Tattoo Artist.
You can get a hip tattoo by going to your local tattoo artist. When choosing a tattoo artist you should make sure that they have a design that you like and a price that you can afford.
I am a professional tattoo artist and I make up to 40k a year.
I would have to say a occuption in the relations of a tattoo artist would probably be a regular artist or a piercer.