No It cant but there is a high risk of killing nerves and other dangorous outcomes. It is highly recommended to be done PROFETIONALY NO can get badly infected even if you do get it professionally done
A dot piercing is a piercing that has a stud.
A Monroe piercing is a piercing on the left upper lip. It's called the Monroe piercing due to Marilyn Monroe's mole piercing. Many people now has this piercing which was started by the celebrity herself.
"Male piercing" normally means a piercing in a man's genitals.
development outcomes
yes she does have a cartilage piercing on one ear she also has a nose piercing and a belly piercing too.
They are two or more outcomes whose probabilities are the same.
Outcomes that are shared by the general public are called common outcomes or public outcomes.
Another in a long list of made up piercing names, there is no such piercing.
Depends on your body, how old the piercing is, and what size the piercing is.
They are referred to as outcomes!
An eyebrow piercing...