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There is a possibility for a positive pregnancy, however this is only speculation. To be sure, take the pregnancy test, it will give highly accurate results

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Q: On your period and spotting pink brown what does it mean?
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What does it mean if 3 days after your period you start spotting light pink discharge?

what does it mean you start to have a light pink discharge after your period

What do it mean if you spot pink blood then brown blood two days before your period then it goes away the same day?

Spotting is normal before your period, it's just the start of your period as the uterine lining starts to shed. You can also get spotting after your period, or mid-cycle spotting around the time of ovulation.

What does it mean if the first day of your period is brown spotting now only light pink spotting?

My favorite usually last four days it came on which is only two brown spots on my pad that’s it no..

When do you starting counting the 1st day of your periods?

The first day of your period is the first day of bleeding - you don't count days when you are spotting (brown or pink discharge).

What color discharge do you get before your period?

Your discharge would be white before menstruation.You may also experience spotting so see brown or pink discharge.

Is spotting on 10th day of period normal?

Blood usually turns brown when it is old and dry. Mine usually start either extremely light pink or a brown color. But consult your gynecologist to be sure.

What does it mean when your spotting light pink blood?


Will spotting be a heavy flow like your period?

no it will be light pink and not much at a time

How much blood would you call spotting?

Spotting is considered to be pink or brown and just a little drips every couple of hours or so

What is the difference between a light period and implantation?

As far as I know, a light period is just that...a light period. Implantation bleeding usually occurs a couple days before your period is due, and is just spotting, usually pink-ish or light brown in colour.

You haven't had your period are you pregnant?

You could be. What you saw when you wiped could be spotting, which is light brown or pink in color and that happens during implantation.

What is the difference between spotting and your period?

Spotting is light bleeding that can occur outside of your regular menstrual cycle. It is often very minimal in amount and may be pink, brown, or red in color. A period, on the other hand, involves a heavier flow of blood over several days as part of the menstrual cycle.