The broken cup in the coffee shop on the long plant
The spilled over box of Puffle O's in the pet shop
The barrel hiding in the bottom right corner in the cove ( click it once, then again)
The hot sauce container that's hiding over the roof of the secret ninja place (dojo courtyard)
The Java beans bag in the book room( go upstairs from coffee shop) it will be on the bookshelf
The newspaper hiding behind a rock in the forest
The Pizza box that is on top of some inner tubes near the sport shop
The water barrel that is near the mine entrance
Go to Cat girl 27 for more poptropica/ clubpenguin cheats
i need help finding the fuse
You Have To Do The Scavenger Hunt On Club Penguin But The Scavenger Hunt Has Gone Away So The Pin Isn't There Anymore ;(
The last item is at the mine site
its a scavenger hunt
they are in each of the box demesion rooms. the first one is when you enter the box demsion. :)
you cant share items on club penguin
you get free items unless you are a member of club penguin
Pet shop
Club Penguin SGary
from around club penguin
you have to be a member sorry bout that
Egg's urm yeah