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From what I've heard in the past it's okay to have light periods, or spot. If you are worried, or it continues seek a medical professional. Your babies' life is your responsibility, You should get check ups while pregnant every now and then.

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Q: Normal to bleed when 2 weeks pregnant?
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I were pregnant about 2 weeks and had normal bleeding on the 8 June and are today on the 2nd of October 16 weeks pregnant was it a misscaridge and that I felt pregnant so quickly again?

I don't think that you were pregnant, I think that it's maybe your body just trying to get pregnant. You sound like your cycle is a bit out of wack. OR it could be something called an implantation bleed.

Is it normal to bleed after a womb scraping. Especially when it's heavy bleeding and blood clots on the third day after the procedure?

Yes, it's normal to bleed 1-2 weeks.

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If your hcg is 665 how many weeks pregnant are you?

well a normal hcg 305 is 4 weeks, so i imagine 2 1/2 months pregnant

You are about 8 weeks pregnant and had a heavey bleed for 2 mins then nothing afterwards have you iost the baby?

its best to call your doctor or go to an er in any sign of a bleed. if you have not lost the baby the bleed can cause damage to the fetus.

You had a baby 4 weeks ago you are still bleeding lightly can you get pregnant?

i think it's possible but after you have your baby u suppose 2 bleed

What could cause your to bleed for 2 weeks after your period and pain and more bleeding during sex?

This is not normal and you need to see a doctor.

Is it normal for a pug to bleed?

Most dogs menstruate (come in season) approx every 6 months and the first time can be any time from about 7 months of age, they bleed for about 2-3 weeks. During this time they can become pregnant so if you don't want to have your female dog(s) pregnant, you need to keep your female dog(s) away from male dogs for this time.

Why does my pregnancy test still say I'm 2 weeks pregnant?

Either you are two weeks pregnant, or the hormones of a normal pregnancy stopped dividing - usually indicating the pregnancy has been miscarried.

What happens if you get your period the next day you miscarriage?

Normal bleed after a miscarriage is 1-2 weeks so it's not your period. You get your period back sometimes within 8 weeks from the miscarriage.