It depends on how often there have been twins in your family, it's all in your mom's good 'ol DNA. But considering that she was a twin, there are higher chances that you could have twins. Weather you would like twins or not, good luck!
conceiving twins has nothing to do with the males side of the family. It all depends on the female and if she hyper ovulates or not.
the genes for twins only matter on your mother's side. Having a male partner with a history of twins will not affect you.
Whether the dam was a twin herself may have a little influence on her odds of giving birth to twins. Normally twins occur in one out of 1000 births.
Twin for 1 twins for both.
Yes, twins do seem to run in families. The cause is hyper-ovulation, a genetic trait to release more than one mature egg each month. This effect is only applicable to fraternal twins, as identical twins are not effected by genetics and every pregnancy carries the same chance of developing into identical twins. The exception to this is older mothers. As we age the chance of having twins increases whether there are twins in the family or not. A family history of twins doesn't make a male any more likely to have twins themselves. Men can pass the gene on to their children - it will only effect daughters, a male with the gene does not ovulate so his carrying the trait will have no effect on his wife. Any twins in the family conceived with the aid of fertility drugs will not have an effect on the twin "gene".
A twin is still a single, one has twins. So, "twins' parents."
Identical twins are 100% random, and fraternal twins (two eggs, two sperm) only have to do with the mom's genetics (the one who drops both eggs). The father really has nothing to do with making twins.
Mum or Dad could be carrying the twin gene it doesnt matter about sexes. Normally being able to have twins is when it skips a generation therefore if your grandparents were a twin or had brothers or sisters that were twins it generally means you have move of a chance to have twins other than your parents do although they can do. Also you have a higher risk of twins when doing IVF or having a baby when you are older.
The odds are very likely that you will be or have a twin. That is because its been in youre blood streem for 2 or more generations. the chances are really 50 50. answer 2: i am not really sure. see, i am a twin, and nobody in my family, not even any of my ancestors, have been twins. i mean, you have a better chance than none for having twins, So yeah it is 50 50 really! hope I could help xx
That will depend. Presumably you are talking about possessives. If you are referring to one individual as a twin and something that belongs to that twin, then it is twin's. So if you are talking about the computer belonging to one twin it would be: The twin's computer. If you are talking about something jointly owned by twins, then it is is twins' that would be used. So if you were referring to the parents of the two people, it would be: The twins' parents. If you are not talking about possessives but talking about plural, then it is twins.
Yes it is possible to have twins.
it depends on you and your bf or husband but it is likely u will have twins