Fix your dinner
Run around your house in his underwear
do your laundry
be your servant for twenty-four hours
massage your feet
wear a dress on your next date
paint his toenails red .
It's always good to fix the penalty before a bet is made.
Make him wear lipstick the next time you go out
Make him wear your underwear the next time he is going to the gym
Make him wear makeup (like of how you would wear it) your hottest dress make him shave his legs, get ALL of his nails and hair done, and make him do all of this in front of his friends :)
Have him serve dinner to you and your friends with no shirt on and any apron on the lower area
There are many rewards a girl could receive if her boyfriend lost a bet. She could have him make dinner for a week, help with the kids, or do laundry.
Absolutely not! Still, you made the bet and should have thought of the possibility of loosing.
um... don't in most cases you should tell him but this time people finding out could potentially f*ck up your whole life
If she wants you too or IF she lost a bet or For fun otherwise no
I'll Bet She's Got a Boyfriend was created on 1988-06-17.
they are friends and he should just calm down i bet you he has friends that are girls that you dont know about
It seems that just because she likes you, she isn't going to ruin her relationship with her boyfriend. I would respect her wishes if I were you, that's your best bet, after she has lost the relationship with him, then go after her (of course after a bit of her not dating him anymore).
you tell him its a threesom and that you will reword him later dont get pregnant with a boy u dont even like unless ur drunk
Do it, it's a bet, and if anyone says anything say you lost a bet, which you did.
Okay, no offense, but you should have to wear a pink tutu to school! Something no one else would ever wear.
If my boyfriend lost a bet, I would hope that he had learned from that mistake and stop betting in the future. This can become a nasty habit and he may become addicted to betting.