The most inherent accuracy will be found in bullseye target guns, such as a Smith 41.
Both can be equally accurate
Mine are very accurate to about 50 meters.
Blue Book of Gun Values
"Best" is too subjective to define for a hand gun. The biggest, the most practical, the most accurate, the most concealable, and the most durable pistols are all totally different guns. Two very popular models are the 9mm Glock and .45 caliber 1911. Both are used extensively by law enforcement and military personnel.
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The question can't be answered as written.
There are several very accurate air guns and rifles. Air rifles used in the Olympics are the finest. As an example the P75 Biathlon competition air rifle will cost you around $2,623. BB Guns on the other hand are not very accurate beyond 30 feet.
Gun can refer to a long gun or a hand gun. A rifle is very particular. It has to have grooved barrel which spin the bullet when it is going down the barrel. This spin action on the bullet makes it more accurate.
hand gun is the most common
The most common hand gun used in James Bond is, The Walther PPK.
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