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Both can be equally accurate

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Q: Which is the most accurate hand gun 9mm or 22cal?
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Which is the best hand gun overall between 9mm or the 22cal?

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Which is the better hand gun 9mm or 22cal?

"Better" is a meaningless term in this question. You must specify the end use of the weapon.

What is the most accurate 9mm?

H&K claims their pistols to be the most accurate out of the box. This has been disputed.

What is the most accurate 9mm handgun?

Either the SIG or S&W

How accurate can you shoot a 9mm from 100 yards?

For the AVERAGE 9mm pistol, not very well. The M9 pistol is considered to have an effective range of 50 meters. There ARE 9mm pistols and shooters that are accurate to 100 yards- but not an everyday affair.

What is the best hand gun made today?

"Best" is too subjective to define for a hand gun. The biggest, the most practical, the most accurate, the most concealable, and the most durable pistols are all totally different guns. Two very popular models are the 9mm Glock and .45 caliber 1911. Both are used extensively by law enforcement and military personnel.

What is the model of a Belgium Browning hand gun serial number 214821?

Most likely it is a Hi-Power if it is a 9mm.

What is the value of a 9MM Taurus hand gun?

Taurus made several 9mm handguns. Which model did you have in mind?

What does the 9 means on 9MM hand gun?

9mm means the firearm shoots a bullet that is about 9 millimeters wide.

What is 9mm pistol SD?

Most likely a 9mm with a suppressor

What form of 9mm ammo is the most common?

9x19mm, also known as the 9mm Parabellum or 9mm Luger.

What is the maximum range for 9mm pistol?

a 9mm is not very powerful and i have one and a can shoot it and hit the target at maybe 150 to 200 feet if you want to be accurate at all