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Q: Month most people are born in?
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What is the most uncommon month to be born in?

It can be any month that your family doesn't have many people born in it.

What is the significance of the eighth month of the year?

The people born in August are Leos, the most dominant of the Zodiac signs. More people important to the history of the World were born in August than any other month.

What months are people born in?

Well October has the largest percentage of people but I wouldnt say that most people were born in OCTober, just more than any other month

What month are most rich people born in?

most rich people are born in the months, january, febuary, march, april, may, june, july, august. september, october, november, and december.

What month do most people move?

July is the most common month to move

What month are the least people born in?

February - because it's the shortest month!

What month is most dogs born in?


What month and day was born?

A survey of birthdays in the US found that the most were reported to be in the month of August.This statistic may not be indicative of the world population as a whole, since people are born every day. The most birthdays by month would naturally include the 7 months with 31 days : August, December, January, July, March, May, and October.

What is the most celebrated birthday month?

If you mean what month is the most common for people to be born in, it's October. Specifically, October 1st is the most common birthday in the U.S.A. (do the math! It coincides with Christmas/New Years Eve/New Years Day!).

What month is people mostly born?

people are mostly born in the fall between September and November.

What are theCharacteristics of people born in April?

There are no particular characteristics that belong to people born in a certain month.

What is the most common month for babies to be born?
