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There are no particular characteristics that belong to people born in a certain month.

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Q: What are theCharacteristics of people born in April?
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April 16, 1973. Lots of people say he was born in October, but I know he was born in April for a FACT.

Who are famous people with the birthday of April 22?

Matt Jones played in theNFL he was born April 22. also Andrew Jones was a baseball player he was born April 22.

Importance of the day of ninth April?

April month is a very strong & influential month. Hence people born especially between 1st April to the 21th April are very strong personalities. Between these dates number 9 Born's are considered more luckier & influential personalities. Hence 9th April born people are strong personalities.

What famous people were born on April 16?

Adam Stroud

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Jackie Chan

What are the characteristics of numbers?

if anybody knows that whatare thecharacteristics ofnumbersplzplz tell me inshortform thank u