She thinks you are good looking it is not a bad thing if you are young like teen and another teen called u cute, then she likes or if u r older, then she means u r cute funny, or baby cute
Its lass
It means that you look a mess meaning you are dirty with no common sense but he or she thinks they are cute.
then the girl has a crush on him my girl calls me cute and i used to not like it but im ok with it now
it means you are cute or adorable
if you like him go out with him
Cute and little.
that's something cute .. he means you have cute chubby cheeks.. :D
Well she likes you or she thinks that you are adorable or you are cute(no ther)
Coming from a girl, it means she likes you,
it mean your cute like a ladybug
It means you are a Angel or cute
cute :)