then the girl has a crush on him my girl calls me cute and i used to not like it but im ok with it now
Well she likes you or she thinks that you are adorable or you are cute(no ther)
Then even if you haven't noticed it is possible she has a crush on you. Sometimes seeing a guy once is enough to make a girl think your cute. I hoped this helped =]
it means you are cute or adorable
Coming from a girl, it means she likes you,
He likes you.
When a guy calls a girl he was seeing an ugly, skinny rasher. It means that he is upset or angry with that girl.
You can but it is better if the guy calls you
you blush and walk away or you say thanks
it means he is calling u cute! :>
when a grl calls a guy a buddy and says: can i take a pic of you. and the guy says why? and the girl says: cuz your my buddy. that means the girl likes you A LOT!!!!!
yeah . :)
No, but a lot of homophobes ask this question.