No, fenugreek doesn't cross react with the assay for HCG.
Progesterone assay test is ordered to evaluate women who are having difficulty becoming pregnant or maintaining a pregnancy, and to monitor high-risk pregnancies.
Inter-assay variability refers to differences in results between different tests, while intra-assay variability refers to variations within the same test.
Many pregnancy tests can ascertain pregnancy within the first week. If you believe yourself to possibly be within the second week, you could take a pregnancy test now.
It tests the hCG (pregnancy hormone) levels that are in your blood.
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yes because to have the phantom pregnancy your body secretes pregnancy hormones which is what pregnancy tests look for
Answer digital pregnancy test
Pregnancy tests detect certain chemicals in a woman's urine which are otherwise not present if not pregnant. Otherwise NO.
hCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, is the hormone measured by pregnancy tests.
This depends on the brand and amount of money you wish to spend. Pregnancy tests that I have seen come in one or two. Read the box to see how many pregnancy tests are inside.
Go to the doctor to get a real test.