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yes because to have the phantom pregnancy your body secretes pregnancy hormones which is what pregnancy tests look for

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Q: Can you still have positive pregnancy tests with phantom pregnancies?
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its 50/50 each pregnancy.

Will pregnancy test still read positive after miscarriage?

Will pregnancy test still read positive after miscarriage?

Can a psychologic pregnancy affect a pregnancy test?

With a phantom, or psychological, pregnancy, you will NOT get a positive result. HCG in your system is caused by a growing embryo and if it is postitive, you do have a baby in there. A phantom pregnancy is where you basically fool your mind and body into thinking it is pregnant, when you are not. You will still experience pregnancy symptoms but you are not actually pregnant. It is all in your head. It may cause your period to delay, your breasts to become sore, "morning sickness" to occur but it will not cause your body to release HCG.

Will a pregnancy test show positive if I miscarried?

A pregnancy test can show a positive result if you have miscarried. There is still enough hormone in your body to produce a positive result.

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Can you have a negative pregnancy test and then have a miscarriage after?

No, if you're having a miscarriage, the pregnancy test will still be positive as you're passing the pregnancy.

Will you have a positive pregnancy test after surgery for ectopic pregnancy?

You certainly can go on to have a healthy pregnancy or pregnancies after having an ectopic pregnancy. If you had your tube removed, and still have one working tube and ovary, your chances of getting pregnant each month are simply half that of a woman with 2 functioning ovaries and tubes. This is because your ovary will most likely only release an egg every other month, as it always has.

Could your next pregnancy be ectopic pregnancy also?

Well the chances of having an ectopic pregnancy is .25% which is less then 1% which would make it almost completely uncommon for a 2nd pregnancy to be ectopic, but that percent is possible, especially if you have previous....ectopic pregnancy. But its a low percent.

Will dogs still produce milk if they are not pregnant?

It is possible for a spayed dog to produce milk. This is a phenomenon that is known as false pregnancy.

If your mother didn't get sick during pregnancy does that mean you wont eaither?

It does mean you have less of a chance of getting sick during pregnancy but there is still a chance it will be different for you. It can also be different for the same person but different pregnancies.

If pregnant on the pill will your test be negative?

No pregnancy is pregnancy and it doesn't matter if you were on the pill at the time. It will still show positive if you were pregnant.

If you have a miscarriage will a pregnancy test still show positive?

Until all the hormones are washed from your body, you can still show positive on an OTC pregnancy test. The earlier you miscarry the sooner the test will become negative as there are fewer hormones in the body.