My hcg levels measured low with my second pregnancy. 5 wks: 116, 6 wks: 609, 7 wks: 1502, 8 wks: 1412. I knew they were low because my OB kept sending me for more blood work week after week. I did an internet search to find out where they should be and saw that they didn't fall into the expected range. Plus, they weren't doubling every 2-3 days. At 8 wks, the day before I had the last blood test, I started spotting. 2 days later I had an ultrasound which confirmed no heartbeat and that I'd likely miscarry. The next day I miscarried. It was sad but knowing my hcg levels weren't as they should be helped prepare me emotionally for that outcome.
Every pregnancy is independent of the last. If your hcg is low, that's not a big deal, as long as its doubling approximately every 2 days
What if the pregnancy hasn't been diagnosed as a tubal pregnancy, but hcg start out low n double or sky rocket out of nowhere.
Yes, having low hcg levels or no hcg levels while pregnant can be hereditary
AnswerDOCTOR TOLD ME TODAY YOU HGC NEVER GOES DOWN IN A HEALTHY PREGNANCY.AnswerIt means you could be losing your baby.My HCG levels started going down at around what I thought was my 18th week of pregnancy. The dr sent me home scared saying I may be losing my baby. I went back 2 days later for another HCG test and again, drastic drop. An OB/GYN came in and reassured me that HCG levels start dropping around 20 weeks. So I may actually be further along than estimated. Everything looked normal. It is not good to stress about anything while pregnant, because it's just going to cause more problems.
HCG levels of 2000mlU/ml. means pregnancy.
There are no reasons for hcg in your blood apart from pregnancy but there is a rare cancer that can make hcg in your blood but very low levels we had a 8 yr old patients with hcg in her bloods. Other answer is pregnancy
In early pregnancy, hCG levels are measured to tell if a woman is pregnant. The hGC levels get higher as the pregnancy progresses. A woman who uses a pregnancy test is having these level measured in her urine in order to tell if she is pregnant.
hCG levels,which is the pregnancy hormone level. The hCG levels double every two days till about 7-12 week of pregnancy.
Serum HCG levels are detctable at low levels as early as 7-9 days after ovulation.
It is hard to say if it is too low. Every womens HCG levels during pregnancy are different. What matters the most is that they are doubling every 2 to 3 days. according to the chart on the link below, your levels are in the normal range. I would ask your Dr. just to be sure though.
It tests the hCG (pregnancy hormone) levels that are in your blood.
i don't think so but maybe. HCG is the hormone human chronic gonadotropin, which is produced by placental cells during pregnancy. Yes, you can be pregnant with an HCG level at 3. Typically, below 5 is negative and above 25 is positive. It can be this low in the first week or two of pregnancy. Some women have lower HCG levels during pregnancy than are typical. Ectopic pregnancies can result in low HCG levels. It can also indicate a problem with the pregnancy. It is best to have at least two HCG readings a couple days apart, if you are relying on HCG levels. If you think you should be 5 or more weeks pregnant but have low HCG levels, it would be a good idea to double-check with an ultrasound.