

Best Answer

LOL: laugh out loud

FYI: For your information

BTW: By the way

BRB: Be right back

JK: Just kidding

Happy Birthday: Happy Birthday

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Q: Lol fyi btw brb jk happy birthday?
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I know what btw means and lol but what other texts are there and what do they mean?

brb = be right back tbh = to be honestjk = just kiddingomg = oh my godwth = what the hellrotfl = roll on the floor laughinglmao = laugh my ass offkk = okayoj = only jokingcya = see yougtg = got to go

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The ID of the bckground is 9075. :) happy to help btw I think I am the first one that founded the ID lol :P

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LOL-laugh out loud BRB-be right back LYLAS- love ya like a sister OIC- oh, i see WYD-What are you doing? ILY- I love you LY- love ya/you BTW- by the way WBU- what about you IMY- i miss y ttyl-talk to you later gtg- got to go

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I cant help u if you don't tell me what abbreviations you're curious to know about

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u=you lol=laughing out loud brb=be right back gtg= got to go cya=bye btw=by the way stfu=shut the f*** up ppl= people wwu2=what are u up to these are the word you might hear on facebook,msn,twitter,and many more on the internet!

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it can be sometimes but most of the time it's not people usaly mean it & BTW lol stands for laugh out loud

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they can and not btw im poniy in dizzywood lol XD

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My birthday was today <3 btw im not reall annoying orange , im an apple!

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Hi. There are many rumours about it. But the official answer is: It is a ring. A gift from his mom and he wears it every day and everywhere. Hope I could help you. Btw: Today´s Ben Barnes 31st Birthday <3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BEN!!!

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26th December 1971. His name's Jared btw :P lol