LOL-laugh out loud
BRB-be right back
LYLAS- love ya like a sister
OIC- oh, i see
WYD-What are you doing?
ILY- I love you
LY- love ya/you
BTW- by the way
WBU- what about you
IMY- i miss y
ttyl-talk to you later
gtg- got to go
The content of a text is the words in the text, or what the text says.
the text subject matter.
To paraphrase a given text is to write a given text in your own words.
In light of the passage, as stated in the text, based on the text.
Text boxes, as placeholders on the slides.
you use qutation marks when you copy a text.
Words or text in a spreadsheet are typically referred to as "labels," "text data," or simply "text." These serve as descriptions or identifiers for the data in the spreadsheet cells.
The text structure of Last Words of Great Men can be characterized as compare/contrast.
Butt in the bag
You can text 30 words