Good day all My last period was on 3 - Aug Today is 28- Aug I had light bleeding (very light) spotting from 25 - Aug !!! until now and i did pregnancy test today and was negtive what this bleeding ? and may i be pregnant ? please if any one can answer ,,,, I need to know
Unlikely - the bleeding probably was your period
Most likely your period. You're probs not pregnant.
Hard telling really. I took 2 hpts before I started bleeding and they were positive. Then when I was bleeding I took 2 more and they were negative. Haven't gone to the doctor yet. So I'm not real sure if the blood interferes with the results or not. For a sure pregnancy test you should go to your doctor. .
Even if a pregnancy test showed up negative, cramps and acne that randomly occur with a missed period could signal pregnancy. Wait a few days and then test again.
It could be. You could take a pregnancy test. If it is negative and you still do not have a normal period within a week, retake the test.
Who's pregnancy test? Yours?
During early pregnancy, hormonal changes can cause ovulation or a thickening of the uterine lining that sheds, in spite of the presence of a fertilized egg. When this happens around the time of your normal period, it is called decidual bleeding and the amount of blood can be the same as a period. It occurs in about 30% of pregnancies and while bleeding in early pregnancy is always alarming, most woman go on to have a normal pregnancy. Light bleeding or spotting, before your period is due, may be implantation bleeding, again harmless. Always notify your doctor when you experience any bleeding during pregnancy.
Pregnancy tests are not 100% accurate, but being that it was negative and you got your period, I'd say you are definitely not pregnant.
Vaginal bleeding does not affect a pregnancy test.
If you are not pregnant, yes.
Yes spotting can be a early sign of pregnancy it is cause from the egg implanting into the uterus causing some slight bleeding.
Its possible to have bleeding during pregnancy that You mistake for your period