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When you miscarry it takes a few weeks until the hormones settle. During that time the tests will show pregnant. The bests tests are done at the clinic and they can also take a ultrasound to make sure.

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Q: Ive had several different brand of pregnancy test read positive but still having bleeding after bleeding i still got a positive now im having negative readings both blood and urine now im why is that?
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Can a faint negative pregnancy test mean positive?

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Positive pregnancy test then implantation bleeding?

This is normal

Can a positive pregnancy test turn negative?

No , but a negative test can be a false positive .

You have the implanon in but feel pregnant and you are bleeding a lot?

Signs of pregnancy on the implant are lack of bleeding and positive pregnancy test. Take a pregnancy test.

Are you pregnant if you had little to no bleeding and had a 1 positive pregnancy test and 2 negative pregnancy test?

It is rare that you will get a false positive. Make sure you are reading the directions correctly on the box for each pregnancy test you take. They need to be on a flat, dry surface and left alone until the time limit in the directions. If you had some bleeding/spotting this could be implantation bleeding which is common in your first symptoms of pregnancy. I only tested positive on a Clearblue pregnancy test. No other test would give me a positive. So it could also be the brand you are using. I wouldn't recommend dollar store pregnancy tests. Pregnancy tests aren't cheap, but you get what you pay for.

Can you get a positive result for a pregnancy test and start bleeding with clots and when you take another test 2 weeks later it says negative?

It means you had a miscarriage.

Positive pregnancy result 5 days later bleeding and negative result week later yolk like mucus could you be ovulating again so soon?

You need to confirm the positive pregnancy test result with your Doctor. See your Doctor for a pregnancy blood test. Pregnancy does cause a increase in vaginal discharge.

Is pregnancy a negative nitrogen balance?

No, it is positive.

Can you having a menstrual period through your pregnancy throw a home pregnancy test to be negative?

Hard telling really. I took 2 hpts before I started bleeding and they were positive. Then when I was bleeding I took 2 more and they were negative. Haven't gone to the doctor yet. So I'm not real sure if the blood interferes with the results or not. For a sure pregnancy test you should go to your doctor. .

What colour does a pregnancy test go when positive?

Pink- Positive Blue-Negative

Negative pregnancy test but urinated on it again and it went positive?

This happened to me when I got pregnant with my third child. The first test was negative and the second positive. From what I understand, a pregnancy test can give a false negative but rarely gives a false positive.