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i don know but im haven them right now n it hurts soooooo bad.....i think it is normal cause ive bbeen getting the every period but im fine

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Q: It is normal to have anal cramping during my menstrual period?
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Is it normal to still have cramping after your period that comes and goes for the last two week?

No. Cramping before and during your period is normal, but not after. You should see a doctor.

Can you have period cramps in early pregnancy?

Yes, at the time for your first period after conception. Cramping is common during other times of pregnancy but it's not uterine or menstrual cramping.

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For some women, cramping is very strong – much more painful than menstrual cramps (if you have menstrual cramps) and the bleeding is much heavier than a menstrual period. You might pass blood clots up to the size of lemons in the first few hours after taking misoprostol. For other women, cramping is mild and bleeding is like a normal menstrual period. To know more questions and answers related to misoprostol abortion pill, visit website.

Is it ok working out while menstruating?

Yes, it is a healthy habit. It may reduce menstrual cramping, and there is no danger from working out during your period.

Is cramping normal before missed period during pregnancy?

If your pregnant, cramping is usual. But if you're not and you missed your period that usually means your pregnant now with a bundle of joy.

Is it normal to have menstrual like cramp but not on period?

You can also cramp during ovulation.

Is it normal for the cramping to stop during early pregnancy?

Yes. Cramping during early pregnancy comes and goes.

Is it possible to be pregnant and have cramping or is the cramping from your polycistic ovary syndrome?

It is very normal to have some cramping during pregnancy. If it is severe or continues for a long period of time, see your doctor.

Why are you cramping after a period?

This is most likely post period PMS cramping. Your Uterus can continue to contract and cause cramping for a few days after your period. This is normal.

Why are you cramping after period?

This is most likely post period PMS cramping. Your Uterus can continue to contract and cause cramping for a few days after your period. This is normal.

Spotting and cramping after missed period?

If have missed a normal period, and have experienced spotting and cramping that isn't like your normal flow, taking a pregnancy test is recommended. It is relatively common in early pregnancy to have spotting and cramping from the fertilized egg burrowing into your uterine lining. If it comes back negative, don't fret. Major changes can affect your menstrual cycle, from changes in birth control, exercise habits and even stress, to name a few.

Why do you get cramps at the end of your period?

Cramping is normal at any time during your period. The reason why you get cramps is because the uterus must contract to expel the blood. This occurs even at the end of your period.