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You can also cramp during ovulation.

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Q: Is it normal to have menstrual like cramp but not on period?
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A week after a vaginal hysterectomy im you supposed to be bleeding like a menstrual period?

yes it is very normal

What to do for bad menstrual cramps?

OTC Pain MedicationsHeat - Such as heating padsAvoid excessively sweet or salty foods during your period as these contribute to bloating and sluggishness.Contrary to popular belief that moving can aggravate your menstrual cramps, doing some form of exercise is actually good for relieving menstrual cramps. Exercise and other activities involving light movements can relieve menstrual cramp pain by releasing and increasing the amount of endorphins in the blood.Drink plenty of liquids and empty your bladder as soon as you have the urge to go.

What do clots mean in your period flow?

Clots in your period flow are small, jelly-like masses of blood and tissue that can vary in size. They are a normal part of the menstrual cycle and are usually nothing to worry about.

Is your period watery?

Your period shouldn't be like water, but watery in the sense of liquid is normal - your menstrual flow is made up of blood, tissue, mucus and discharge, but it's normal for there to be more blood than anything else which would make it more liquid.

Is it normal for it to feel like theres knotts in stomach when on menstrual period?

It's different for everyone, and having aches in your stomach or feeling strongly emotional, these are all normal. What I do is just assume it's okay until my period actually comes. if it looks like something is wrong in there then something unusual happened.

How much bleeding and cramping is normal after taking misoprostol abortion pills?

For some women, cramping is very strong – much more painful than menstrual cramps (if you have menstrual cramps) and the bleeding is much heavier than a menstrual period. You might pass blood clots up to the size of lemons in the first few hours after taking misoprostol. For other women, cramping is mild and bleeding is like a normal menstrual period. To know more questions and answers related to misoprostol abortion pill, visit website.

Why menstrual do not clot?

Menstrual blood has fewer platelets than normal blood because if it was to clot it would be detrimental to the process. If menstrual blood were to clot like normal blood it would inhibit the blood leaving the uterus.

What if you missed your period but you are not pregnant?

it is perfectly normal. some grils/women miss their menstrual period and it doesn't necessarily mean that you are pregnant. but if u have not gotten it for like 6 months then u should go talk to your doctor.

Is it normal to have blood in your urine during your period?

No, it's not normal to have blood in your urine during your period. If you are using external menstrual products like pads, or internal products like tampons or softcups that can leak, then blood lingering around the vaginal opening or vulva will be washed off by urine as you urinate and so there will be blood in the toilet bowl. If there is blood in the urine itself, not from menstrual flow, then it is a sign of a urinary tract infection (common if you use commercial menstrual pads such as Always or Kotex) and you should talk to your doctor.

Your period is 3 days late and you have been slightly cramping for about a week Could you be pregnant?

when you miss your period, and if you are pregnant, does your body still cramp like it does when you are starting your period?

Can you be pregnant if you had a sharp cramp and feeling like im getting your period but dont?

You could be. Take a pregnancy test

When your on your period is it normal to get dark mucus like stuff when you change tampons and in the toilet?

Yes, it's normal to get dark mucus during menstruation. As well as discharge and your menstrual flow, including uterine tissue, cervical mucus will be carried along with the rest of your menstrual flow. It's completely normal to see blood mucus which may look dark brown, red, or even black.