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No, it's not normal to have blood in your urine during your period.

If you are using external menstrual products like pads, or internal products like tampons or softcups that can leak, then blood lingering around the vaginal opening or vulva will be washed off by urine as you urinate and so there will be blood in the toilet bowl. If there is blood in the urine itself, not from menstrual flow, then it is a sign of a urinary tract infection (common if you use commercial menstrual pads such as Always or Kotex) and you should talk to your doctor.

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Q: Is it normal to have blood in your urine during your period?
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Next time you get your period, try wiping as if doing a "clean catch" urine specimen before you urinate in the morning. If there is still blood in your urine in the morning during your period, contact your health care provider for an exam.

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No, it is not normal too urinate blood at any time. The blood is coming from the uterus via the vagina; urine comes from the bladder via the urethra. Now when you are on your period it might look like there is blood in your urine, but there is not, so if you are now urinating blood, then there is something wrong.

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iam very worry , please answer my question as soon as you can , thanks.

Blood inside after preoid is finished?

This is possible. Sometimes not all menstrual blood gets flushed out during your period. You may notice flakes of dried blood in your urine for a couple of days after. It is nothing to be concerned about though.

Can you take a urine test while on your period?

Yes, you can take a urine test while on your period. Doctors can tell the difference between period blood and other blood, but just to be sure, tell the doctor before hand that you have your period so they know that nothing is wrong.

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If you have blood in your urine lower right back pain but no infection what is it?

If Your A Woman It Could Be Your Period And A Crap Or Urine Infection