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mabye but he could really just need some space from you and not want get too serious.

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Q: Is your boyfriend cheating when he says he needs space?
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yes he is don't fall for that saying their is a big possibility that he is cheating

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Yes he is cheating on you my ex-boyfriend Chad says I love you after every fight we had

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then give him space..

How do you kno your boyfriend is cheating?

when he says he is going out to the bar with the friends or something like thatt!~!

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If your boyfriend says that he is just lost right now, you can tell him things that are encouraging. You may also want to tell him that you'll give him space if he needs it but you're there to support him emotionally.

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Give him the space he says he needs. If you pushed and came across as needy, he may not want to have a relationship.

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well you tell him that it is cheating.. if you two are together than he shouldn't EVER be with any one elts.

When your boyfriend says you are cheating when your not does dat mean he has sumething to hide or does he have trust issues?

Trust issues.

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it means that he has more than one shawty. And he is possibly cheating on you.

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if your friend says your boyfriend is cheating on you make sure you brake with him first

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If he says weird things like "come on babe" or "don't be mad at me" or you know I love you"

She says she like you she kiss you she romance you and yet she cant date you becos of her boyfriend?

She is cheating on her boyfriend with you. Stop wasting your time and get you someone who is available like you are.