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then give him space..

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Q: Your boyfriend says he wants space and that you are smothering him?
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Why does my boyfriend wants to move out for some space but wants to stay together and says he still loves me?

all he wants is some space. he still loves u and just tell him how you feel. I no u might be upset but that's only natural. just ask him why?? then dump him:)

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He wants to move upstairs.

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not neccesarily he may just want some time to calm down :)

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If mean she/he wants you as a girlfriend/boyfriend

When your boyfriend says he wants nothing to do with you?

He's not your boyfriend anymore, for whatever reason he's ended the relationship.

Meaning your ex boyfriend says he wants to see your face?

wants to see and be with you again because he mises you

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If your boyfriend says that he wants to have a child but not with you, that just means that he's not ready for that type of a commintment, and if he says that if it happens then it happens that just means that he will be there for you. He will help you through it.

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He says, "I want you back."

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he just wants you to be sure of him

What does it mean when my boyfriend says he wants to go on a break?

it means your not putting out enough and he wants to sleep with someone else,

What does it mean when your boyfriend says he wants to taste you?

Either he wants to kiss you or he want to eat you out. If you dont know what that is, google it

What do you do if you want to talk to your boyfriend but you don't know if he wants to talk?

Just ask him, 'hey, do you want to talk?', if he says he doesn't then give him the space and ask him to talk to you when he's keen for coversation.