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Everyone is different when it comes to pregnancy. Some people have no symptoms and others will have many. If you think you could be pregnant buy a test or see a doctor. you can also go to and look up pregnancy to learn more about it.

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Q: Is weird taste of foods be a sign of pregnancy?
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Is it normal to have weird taste in mouth as early sign of pregnancy?

Some pregnant woman do experience a metallic taste in their mouth. It is normal, also sometimes your taste buds change.

When things taste metallic is it a sign of pregnancy?

Some women get funny tastes but it is not a sign of pregnancy. The first sign of pregnancy you will get is a missed period. Take a pregnancy test if you are unsure.

Is acting weird a sign of pregnancy?

Some times the males behave in weird way. It does not mean that he is pregnant. That will be too much to for to make it a sign of pregnancy. There are very simple and inexpensive methods to know whether you are pregnant or not.

Are weird moods a sign of pregnancy?

Yes, they can be, but they can also be signs of your period being about to arrive

Can a minty flavor in your throat be a sign of pregnancy?

No, it probably something you ate or after taste from your toothpaste

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Is it a sign of pregnancy if you have weird feelings in your stomach and your side and you missed your period?

You may be pregnant as you have missed your period. Take a test

Is cramping a sign of pregnancy on the IUD?

No, a positive pregnancy test is the sign of pregnancy on the IUD.

Is weird a good sign?

sign of what?

Does craving savory foods sign of pregnancy?

It can be a pregnancy craving, or it can be that you just want some savoury food. Pregnancy is more probablr, if you have had sexual intercourse with a male within the last few months and he has ejaculated sperm into you.

Could having nausea and every time you eat something you burp it up and have a foul taste afterwards be a sign of pregnancy a week before your period is due?

Hello - Yes this could be a sign of pregnancy or a sign of a upset tummy. Its difficult to say. Do a test next week if your period doesnt arrive.

Is a unset stomach a sign of pregnancy?

No. Pregnancy is a sign of pregnancy. Also if your partner leaves you, THEN you know