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The scientific evidence is mixed, but generally comes down on the 'bad' side.

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Q: Is weed good for you or is it bad for you?
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Related questions

What is mid grade weed?

bad weed. weed that gets you high but not as quickly as grade A, the good stuff

Is it bad to smoke weed after surgery?

no, it is not bad to smoke weed after surgery. it's very good for you but to recover faster snort a line of coke.

Is smoking weed bad if you have gastritis?

yes. whenever i take weed i have bad problem

Weed smoking is bad for health?

Weed is actually healthy for you, google the benefits

What is bammer weed?

bad, low quality weed.

You been smoking weed for like ten years is this bad?

Yes it is bad. Weed can cause a heart attack, give you cancer, damage your brain, raise your blood pressure, and 11% of the people who die in fatal accidents have been on weed. I say this is not good stuff.

Is it bad to smoke weed when you are 10?

actually its ok. its would say its good for you but it doesnt harm you. althoguht if i was 10 i would not want a reputation of smoking weed...

Is it bad to smoke weed with MS?

It is bad to smoke weed.

What is an opinion and a fact for weed?

Opinion: It's good for you. Fact: It's really bad for you and affects you badly.

Is weed bad for hyperthyroidism?


How do you determine how strong weed is before you buy it How do you make sure it is high quality?

There are a lot of good kinds of weed wich have unic names But you can never excactly know how good your weed is, but there are some things at wich you could see if the weed is good or bad quality for example: The colour of the weed is green as football grass, has a lot of what we in holland call thick brown hairs and has a lot of "powder" (THC) on it. There are also not suposed to be many leaves between the weed. Greetings from The Netherlands

Is weed good for a pregnancy?

No, weed is not good for a growing fetus.