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Yes it is bad. Weed can cause a heart attack, give you cancer, damage your brain, raise your blood pressure, and 11% of the people who die in fatal accidents have been on weed. I say this is not good stuff.

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Q: You been smoking weed for like ten years is this bad?
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Ive been smoking weed for 10 years and im going for an operation in 3 wks under general anethstetic?

No worries pal, weed has no catalystic properties!

Is it really noticeable when you get high from weed?

Wow. Looks like you've been smoking a little too much weed sir. OF COURSE YOU NOTICE.

How not to smell like weed after smoking it?

OUST !!!

Is going to the dentist dangerous when smoking weed?

Depends if the dentists been smoking it too or not...

Me and my boyfriend have been smoking weed for about 5 years and now we are trying to have a baby but it just wont happen if we stop smoking weed and cigarettes will that help some?

I think the following story will help you i might weed lowers your sperm count

What should you do if you're boyfriend smokes weed and you don't like it?

tell him you don't like him smoking weed. if he really likes you he will make an effort to stop smoking.

How will smoking weed every day for years affect you?

It will destroy your mind.

Is smoking grass like smoking weed?

Since grass and weed are both synonyms for marijuana, the answer would be yes.However, the cannabis plant is technically neither a grass nor a weed; it is an herb.-But smoking grass would not get you high.

How do you get your girlfriend to understand me smoking weed?

It is quite reasonable of her to not appreciate you smoking weed. If you are not prepared to stop something like that for her, you are better off not being together.

Who did Sir Francis Bacon work with?

what kind of weed have you been smoking

Why did I almost blackout while I was smoking weed ive been smoking for 10 years at least and don't tell me I am going to die weed can't kill you I am not dumb?

Just chill out and take a little T break man. your bud aint goin anywhere