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During the first few years of menstruation, a woman's body is still adjusting to its hormones. Estrogen might be too little one month, and overpowering another month. Mood swings and irregular cycles are the result. So long as you are not sexually active, this should not be a cause for concern. Your body will find its "groove" and form a stable cycle.

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Q: Is this normal im 12 years old and ive been on period for almost a year last month it lasted 2 weeks and 2 days and now this month it hasn't occured at all?
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no..your not pregnant that happens sometimes after having sex or it's normal ...but it's common...your safe =)

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yes its normal. you just had a late period now if you mean ur period lasted for 2 weeks then no. see a doctor theres something wrong and you may need to fix it before to late