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Q: Is there anything like army cadets for children 5 and up?
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Is there anything like army cadets for children under 12 years old?

the scouts???????????/

Is army cadets the best of all cadets?

This would depend on what you think, this is a personal opinion question. however people like The Prince of Wales, Prince Charles did say "Air Cadets is the Biggest and best Organisation out of all the cadets" But yet again it's opinion Well being a corporal in army cadets but my opinion would be to pick army cadets but air cadets are just as good as army cadets with the bonus that air cadets get the chance to fly helicopters!

Do army cadets need gas masks?

Nope =]. I've been in Army Cadets for 7-8 months && ain't heard anything like needing gas masks. Yu might try em on, on camps && stuff but not sure.Xo Kat

Do cadets in arotc have to pay for clothing such as bdu's and when attending training like northeren warfare?

any required army uniforms are issued by the army but replacements and extras are not

What does the army do in the US?

In war the U.S. army is like anything you have seen in a movie but there is no romance or anything like that

Are army cadets fun?

I'm part of the Army Cadets at my school and if your cadet unit is anything like mine, it should be a bit like this. The people above you in terms of ranks (Corporals, Lance Corporals, Sergeants etc.) will be extremely tough and strict...even though they're students as well. Your uniform must be immaculate otherwise and they will yell in your face. But it's challenging and you can meet new people :) Cons kind of outweigh the pros but still, join if you're interested!

What does the US army do in wartime?

In war the U.S. army is like anything you have seen in a movie but there is no romance or anything like that

What is air cadets like?

Air Cadets is actually lots of fun. They pretty do what Army Cadets and Sea Cadets do as well. They shoot, they fly, they glide, but either way all three organizations would have a biased opinion of which one is better.

What is the purpose of army cadets?

The purpose is to train 11-18 year olds for the Army. It kinda gets ya ready for it coz they teach ya everything yu need to know. && it helps ya get into the Army aswell coz if yu've been to Army Cadets thn ur more likely to get into the Army coz yu have already had training. But yu dont ave to actually go into the Army, coz Cadets is just a club sorta thing i suppose. Ive been going for nearly 7-8 months && i might be getting me Lance Corporal in a couple months =].Xo Katwell at my cadets the age is 12 to 18 and 9 months but i think it varies basicly like kat said its a place to kinda get you in the mind set for joining the army. obviously you dont have to join the army as cadets is like a social club but with training and kat good luck on your lance ive had mine for about 4 months and am a 2 star what county are you in?

What cadets is about?

A Cadet is a student in a military school or military studies. In most cases, the cadet is learning the basics knowledge of military discipline and upon graduation will proceed into a military career and/or an advanced promotion. Military Academies, such as West Point, refer to their students as "cadets". Upon graduation, the cadets receive a commission as an Officer. A person who joins the army is referred to as a "recruit". He is taught the basic military skills to function in combat. Graduation from basic training does not usually result in a promotion. Cadets can also be an After-school activity which can be both Non-military and Military based Cadet organizations in both the UK and the US, usually the age ranges are 11-19 with some exceptions of 22-years-old. In Military based Cadets you will experience weekends and weeks full of adventure and fun, Cadets will get a change on getting promoted, shoot, maybe fly, visit a naval ship or have a ride in a tank!

What are the responsibilities of a company sergeant major in the british army cadets?

The responsibilities of a CSM is to go to the other platoons in the company and to check up on them make sure they're ok, teach a little, stuff like that

What is the collective noun of cadets?

The collective noun for cadets is a "corps." It's like a fancy way of saying a group of them. So next time you see a bunch of cadets marching around, you can call them a "corps" and sound all official and stuff.