Sadly, no..
Your just going to have to do the stupid thing like I did and make one with \ | / ) ( and all that o_o
Alt + F4
Enter the following cheats for the desired effect: $10,000,000 more - ALT + E $1,000,000 more - ALT + D or ALT + A $1,000,000 less - ALT + S $10,000,000 less - ALT + W Extra furniture - ALT + O 10 visitors in your hotel - ALT + G
you need to enter alt-codes specific instructions would be;1.hold the alt 2-5-5 on the NUMBER PAD3.release the alt key4.hold the alt 2-5-5 on the NUMBER PAD6.release the alt key7.hold the alt 3-0 on the NUMBER PAD9.release th alt enter11.hold the alt 3-0 on the NUMBER PAD13. release the alt key14.hold the alt 2-5-5 on the NUMBER PAD16.release the alt key17.hold the alt 3-0 on the NUMBER PAD19.release the alt key20. success you have now triforced, remember and put NOKO in the email field to make sure you return to the thread you were on.
yes there are alt codes on runescape but theyre different than ones on the other things you usually type in. but somethings are the same just like this website. for exaple. ¿ is alt 5544 ¥ is alt 4253 ° is alt 55544. thers alot more than that.
You must use a cheat code. Hold ctr+alt+C to open the cheat code window and type inboolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation trueThen simply hold the furniture and use the "," and "." keys to turn them.
The code is u226A
The alt code for the invisible character is 225.
A symbol entered on a computer by holding alt and typing the corresponding code on the number pad for example the alt code for a smiley face is 001
Alt + 94 = ^
Alt + 3
The alt code for a fish symbol is Alt + 1F41F. This code can be entered on a Windows computer by holding down the "Alt" key and typing the numbers 1F41F on the numeric keypad.
It's alt + 9988
The quaver alt code is for making symbols in IM (Instant Messaging). ALT 13 produces an eighth note (aka a quaver): ♪
The country code and area code of Alt Duvenstedt, Germany is 49, (0)4338.