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Yes. This time limit is how long you can sit still enough for the artist to work on you. Obviously, two hours or more sitting still for the artist or the client would start causing fatigue and irritability.

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Q: Is there a time limit you can have in one tattoo sitting?
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yes, 3 of them do.

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I would give yourself a day break between to two just so you dont tax yourself too much unless you are getting and simple piercing and a little tattoo, then it's up to the studio and what they think you can handle in one sitting.

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The exact tattoo procedure used when getting a cosmetic tattoo will depend greatly on the type of tattoo one wishes to get. The basics are that the area will be sterilized, tattoo will be applied usually with sedation, and then allow oneself time to heal.

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no there is not

Can you have tattoo seven days before holiday?

You can have one any time you want

Is there a tattoo artist with no tattoos?

Most likely yes, but there is always a chance that there may not be. Most of the time tattoo artists love tattoos, and thus have one.