it really depends on how you feel about it. if by verbally cheating you mean phone sex or something along those lines, then i would consider that cheating
Another odd question. Math exists primarily in written form; many aspects of math are in fact quite difficult to express verbally. It is much easier to read an equation than to state it verbally.
Facial expressions can be eyes opened wide, and pursed lips, as you wait for the event. Verbally you would say "I am so ready for that!!!" or "I know it will be so cool!" Is that the kind of thing you are looking for?
I think copying is not cheating forever.
I don't have the questions. If I did, I'm sure I could solve them without too much trouble, but the meanest nastiest thing I could do to you would be to hand you the answers. If someone did that to you, then in a place where you're supposed to learn math, you'd learn cheating instead. Trust me: If you want a happy life, math will be a much better thing to know than cheating will.
cheating is when you do the thing that you do with you babe or mate with another person
ANSWER: Yes there is such thing as " cyber cheating" and it do happen almost everyday no matter what state or country we came from...
There is no such thing as cheating within the rules. If you cheat that is pure cheating and there is no explanation . If you are true to someone then you are true to them.
Oh yeah. I would consider it cheating. It's oral "SEX." It's an intimate thing to do, and it's for sure cheating!!!
Cheating your spouse is not a good thing. It could land you into loneliness and other miserable feelings.
If you have the idea or want of cheating then chances are you may not be happy within this relationship. The best and honest thing you can do is leave before cheating and find out what you really want.
There is no such thing as newest cheating device. There is only few ways to know if one is cheating on you or not. That is by examining the body language and speech of other person.
It normally means a person who is physically verbally or both attacking someone or some thing
they are cheating.
If you know ANYTHING about relationships, you know that 'getting even' is the worst thing you can do. You have to be POSITIVE that they're cheating, then talk to them.
Yes. You'd be cheating yourself because you wouldnt have the thoughts of being with somwone else if everything was ok. Be honest with yourself. There is a thing called emotional cheating.