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the Japanese maple tree has leaves that look alot like the marijuana plant in shape, but they can have a slight red tint to them.

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14y ago

Yup, a catterpillar plant looks similar

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Q: Is there a plant that looks like marijuana but isn't?
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What plant looks like a marijuana plant but is not one?

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One plant that resembles a marijuana plant is the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa). Hemp is a different variety of the cannabis plant that contains very low levels of THC, the psychoactive compound found in marijuana. It is commonly grown for its industrial uses such as making textiles, paper, and building materials.

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A plant that looks like a snake is called a "snake plant."

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the source of marijuana is like that of any other plant....................a seed

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Get a job u pot smoking hippie, and rephrase this statement into an actual question.

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Crystolith hairs on marijuana are small, hair-like structures found on the surface of cannabis leaves. They are bulbous, translucent structures that produce and store cannabinoids like THC and CBD. These hairs contribute to the production of resin on the plant.

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A plant that looks like a rock is called a lithops, also known as a living stone plant.

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Is tapioca a plant part?

Tapioca is the starch extracted from the cassava root. So, no it is not a plant part itself but it is extracted from roots Cassava is another word for the tapioca plant. Generally, tapioca or cassava refers to the root of the plant. Hence, yes; tapioca is part of a plant.