Many visa cards charge a monthly access fee. You have to read the fine print on the application to know before you apply for the card. Also, Many companies will wave the fee if you threaten to take your business elsewhere.
If you are seeking no fee visa cash advances (or cashing out Visa gift cards), I believe this site is the answer. I have not tested the no fee part yet, but per most info I have found through searching, I think that will be the case:http:/
Yes Credit cards have an interest charge that applies to your monthly balance as well as a monthly fee for having a card . Credit cards are vwery expensive . You are better off only using cash .
Its 4-6% of your trans.
There are many different cards that do not charge an annual fee. Usually an annual fee is related to a rewards type of credit card, but companies such as MasterCard and Visa also offer no annual fee cards.
If you do not use up the balance on your Visa gift card within 6 months of activation, Visa will begin to charge a monthly fee. This fee consists of $2.50 each month (after your card has been activated for 6 months).
no where
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Many visa cards charge a monthly access fee. You have to read the fine print on the application to know before you apply for the card. Also, Many companies will wave the fee if you threaten to take your business elsewhere.
There may be small monthly fees, however they are reliable. Visa and Mastercard participate in these cards. You can purchase them at any Walmart, Dollar General, RiteAid or CVS. Visit their website for fees and more.
Companies offering pre paid visa cards with no monthly fees include T24 Black and Caxton FX. Based on reviews Caxton FX is one of the better cards. You can also use Money Supermarket to compare the different cards available to find the best on for your needs.
Wal-Mart offers pre-paid VISA cards at their stores. There is a small charge (usually under $10) to start the card and a monthly fee.
If you are seeking no fee visa cash advances (or cashing out Visa gift cards), I believe this site is the answer. I have not tested the no fee part yet, but per most info I have found through searching, I think that will be the case:http:/
You must pay Before getting your membership cards , the fee is not monthly .
Anywhere from $3.95 to $5.95, generally depending on the denomination. The confusion comes from the fact that there is no longer a monthly maintenance fee. American Express Gift Card is currently the only open network card that does not have the monthly maintenance fee after the first 12 months.
Yes Credit cards have an interest charge that applies to your monthly balance as well as a monthly fee for having a card . Credit cards are vwery expensive . You are better off only using cash .
Its 4-6% of your trans.